I have high expectations, I do admit it. I work very hard and want results from that work. I put in the labor and want it to work and want results. What I don't have is patience. I know that is something I really need to learn. I think that is one of my biggest lessons in life and I am trying to learn it. Not easy, I am modern woman and expect things to happen quickly.
Right now I am in the waiting mode again. It soooo hard. I think what I want to learn is to enjoy the process. This is one lesson I have never learned and I think that life is making me learn it right now. Enjoyment will take time, first I have to learn patience and that is what I am doing right now.
So I am waiting for my add to be published... I am working hard on the next draft of my new novel. I have new article that I sent to be published. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
I am also working on a big project right now, it is the biggest writing project I have ever taken on and I am working so hard on it. I am not ready to announce it yet but I am sooo excited about it. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
I am happy to bring up the second half of my interview with Vada Foster.
Do you prefer one genre to another?
I tend to shy away from supernatural and sci-fi because I am too lazy to learn all the necessary names and descriptions. Other than that, pretty much anything. I am an avid reader with close to 1,200 books in my collection, so clearly I like a wide variety of genres.
Do you like the feel of a book in your hands or do you prefer electronic devices?
In my heart, there is no substitute for a book in my hand, but I do have an e-book and I tend to go back and forth from one to the other. I love the fact that with a hundred or more stories on the e-book, I never run out of things to read. I have been known to read two books on a flight to Europe, and it is a pain to have to haul all that in your carry-on. An e-book is a must on the plane!
Can you tell us about what your working on now?
I have not been seriously working on anything for sometime. I have several story ideas I have worked on but not so much lately. Anybody have any great suggestions for what to do about writers block? I'm all ears!
Thank you Vada, for answering my questions, I think everyone enjoyed hearing from you.
Please email me with any questions at rithebard@yahoo.com or tweet me at @rithebard.
Great interview...thank you Ri