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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to the World of Kindle!

I wonder what Jane Austen would think of the modern world. For her time she was a quite a forward thinker but I really wonder how she would react as a writer. Would she be on Twitter? Would she be on How would she react to e-books? Most of all how would she deal with how people are today? I wrote a little guest blog about just such a subject;

A lovely fellow writer who I interviewed in this blog, she reviewed my book Fantasy Time Inc. She is a wonderful writer I loved her book, and she wrote a great review of my novel. Here it is; Let me know what you think of it.

I am so excited that my book is on Kindle, it has brought about many exciting events. And there are more on the way. Keep your eyes glued to this blog for updates. I am going to have another virtual tour. It will be next month. I can't sign your book through the computer (yet!) but I can answer all your questions and it will be an evening of fun and prizes. I will let you know what date and time as soon as it is all set.

Working writer interviewed me on the difference between an e-book and a brick and mortar store. Its a great interview about how different it is to come out on Kindle. Here is the interview, , let me know what you think of it? Do you agree?

Now here is the Piece-De-Resistance! My first live interview. It's an audio podcast and it was live. Wow! I was excited and scared at the same time. My voice going out to everyone with out any filter. I felt like Peter O'Toole in My Favorite Year. "I'm not an actor, I'm a movie star!!!" Well it doesn't quite fit the situation but it was my first thought when I even thought of approaching the subject. I am a trained actress and I thought I should be able handle it. Here we go, listen to it and let me know what you think; .

And just to put the cherry on the cake, Quinn Barrett a talented author in her own right who interviewed me on the podcast agreed to my interviewing her. Kind of cool, huh? So here with out further ado, Here's Quinn!

What was the first book you remember loving? Do you still own it?

The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I don't know that I ever owned it, but I read them in school and repeatedly checked them out from the library.

What kind of books do you like to read? Do those books have an affect on your own writing?

I like what I write dramas, general and women's fiction with elements of suspense.
I also like select science fiction and YA series such as The Hunger Games.
Do you remember what is the first book that touched you deeply?

I hate to sound like a cliche', but I'd have to go with To Kill A Mocking Bird. And then to follow up with the movie, Gregory Peck was pure brilliance as Atticus Finch.

Harper Lee's novel is as important today as it was in it's time. Can you imagine writing something so incredible so early in your writing career? How could you ever possible top that work?

Where do you like to write? Is there a favorite nook or corner?

I used to think I did-in my home office, but I've discovered recently that there really isn't a perfect place for me. Writing is more of a discipline of just sitting down and doing it. I'm trying to teach myself to focus regardless of location.

Do you prefer one genre to another?

I just like good books. Interesting characters are the most important element of a book to me. I also like a good twist at the end-especially if I don't see it coming.

Do you like the feel of a book in your hands or do you prefer an electronic devise?

I love my Kindle. I love my Nook. I love my iPad. I love taking my library wherever I go.

Can you tell us about what your working on now?

I'm working on an untitled sequel to my first novel, Invisible Snow. I'm outlining a couple other new book ideas as well.

I also host a weekly podcast on Blog Talk Radio called The Wise Bear Books... All Things Digital Media Podcast.

*** *** ***

Thank you Quinn for allowing new authors a chance to get you there and talk about our books.
We appreciate it:)

Till next time...

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